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Top Expenses That Come With Building A Home

When it comes to building a new home, there are many costs to consider. It’s important to prioritize where you want to save and where you don’t mind splurging.


Windows and doors are a necessary part of your new build, but they can be one of the more expensive aspects of your home depending on the quality and style. It can be a trade-off, however, if you choose to pay a little more initially for high-quality windows and doors. Their energy efficiency will insulate your home better, resulting in lower heating and cooling bills in the long run.


Plumbing, HVAC and electrical are necessary parts of your home that can end up being quite expensive. While you can’t do much about the electrical system, you can make budget-friendly decisions for your plumbing and HVAC to lower the costs. From the piping material to the type of HVAC system, we can help you choose the best fit for your home.


From paint to fireplaces, flooring, trim, mirrors, countertops, cabinets and more, interior finishes can make up a substantial part of your home’s cost. Fortunately, this is an area where you have complete control and can focus on the spaces that matter most to you. If cooking at home is an important part of life for you and your family, you might choose to opt for more expensive or unique pieces in the kitchen and save elsewhere. Our team is more than happy to help you balance your budget with your style when it comes to choosing interior finishes for your new home.


Similar to the interior, exterior finishes are an area where you can choose what’s most important. Porches, decks, gardens, pools and other landscaping features can be costly, so if your budget is tight, it’s best to choose what makes sense for you and your family immediately and what can be put off and added down the road.

The best areas to cut costs depend entirely on you and your priorities. Our home designers and builders are here to walk you through your options, so we can build you the perfect home for your style and your budget. Call Paul Gray Homes today at 316-978-9047!