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Summer Home Maintenance Tips

Now that the Dog Days of Summer are upon us, there are some home maintenance projects that should be tackled. Here is a short list of 10 simple maintenance items, for both inside and outside of your home, that will help you enjoy your home through the rest of the warmer season.

Power Wash Your Driveway and Walkways

Welcome family and friends with a clean entrance. One of the best summer home maintenance chores is to clean and inspect your driveway, sidewalks, patio and deck. The key to cleaning these areas is to use a pressure washer. Before power washing, make sure to take the time to check for cracks and even weeds. Once you have given everything a full inspection, clean away all the dirt and grime that’s built up over the past year.

Keep Your Yard Beautiful

Keep your yard looking fresh all season by keeping garden beds and trees clear of any dead limbs and stems and make sure you weed regularly. Mulching flower beds offers a simple, inexpensive way to help keep weeds at bay and helps your plants retain moisture.

Prevent Bugs

No one wants to spend time in a yard that’s swarming with insects, so make sure to spritz outdoor bug spray around the perimeter of your home and yard. Having a bug-free yard will allow you and your guests to stay relaxed and enjoy the summer evenings outdoors. Also, be sure your windows and doors are sealed with fresh caulking or weatherstripping to help keep bugs and ants from getting into your home.

Clean Your Grill & Outdoor Fire Pit

To avoid any flareups, make sure to regularly clean and test your grill — keeping it ready for hamburger and hot dog season! As the days heat up, we tend to spend more of our time outdoors in the evening, which is perfect for sitting around the fire pit. Keeping your fire pits clear of debris will make sure you’re always ready to stoke the fire whenever guests gather.

Freshen Up Outdoor Furniture

Avoid any embarrassing moments from sitting in an old, rusty outdoor chair and make sure they’re clean and in good working order (sturdy, too!). Check out your local home goods store throughout the summer for sales and replace furniture pieces or create a new ‘look’ with fresh chair pads, pillows and rugs!

Wash Windows and Inspect Screens

The warmer weather makes summer a good time to clean the outside of your home’s windows. Take a break from the heat and wipe down the inside as well for added sparkle! But washing your windows won’t make much of a difference if you don’t clean your window screens, too. Carefully remove your window screens and gently wipe them down or soak them in hot, soapy water. While you’re cleaning your screens, take the time to inspect windows, doors and screens to ensure they close and seal tightly and function as they should.

Check for Leaks

The outdoor garden hose isn’t the only hose that can get brittle and crack over time. Be sure to also inspect the hoses inside your home. Check the hoses to your dishwasher, refrigerator, ice maker, toilets and washing machine, looking for signs of wear and tear, leaks or cracking. Typically, indoor hoses need replaced every 3-5 years, but it is important to check them for any signs of leaking on a regular basis.

Reverse Ceiling Fans

It’s a good idea to reverse the direction of your ceiling fan during the summer so that it spins counter-clockwise. This pushes the air straight down, creating a nice breeze. To do so, shut off the fan and wait for the blades to come to a complete stop. Once everything is still, use a ladder or step stool to locate the direction switch – this will probably be on the side of the fan above the blades. Flip the switch in the opposite direction and then turn the fan back on. While you’re up there, make sure to dust your fan blades as well!

Clean Kitchen & Laundry Appliance

While this is not necessarily something to do just during the summer months, it is important to clean out your garbage disposal and dishwasher every few months. Clean your garbage disposal by flushing it with hot water and a little dish soap. An easy and inexpensive way to clean your dishwasher is to add two cups of vinegar to the bottom of the machine and run the machine on low wash. Take this time to also tend to your washing machine and perform some light maintenance. Inspect the seal between the door opening and the drum for areas, checking for soil buildup or stains. Clean any findings with a gallon of warm water mixed with ¾ cup of chlorine bleach and rub the area with the solution, letting it sit for about five minutes. Wipe it dry with a clean cloth and let it continue to air dry. This will remove any odors and keep your clothes from getting stained by dirt deposits inside the seal.

Test Indoor Detectors

Your family’s safety comes first — make sure your emergency preparedness items are in working order. Replace old batteries and test all smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and home timers.

Want more tips or have questions? Call Paul Gray Homes today at 316-978-9047!