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New Year’s Resolutions for Your New Home

A new year is upon us, and you might have made a few goals for yourself in 2023. It turns out your home might also benefit from a few new year’s resolutions as well. The key is to set easily attainable goals that you can continue to improve upon. These are just a few ways to make your home a more efficient and comfortable place in the coming year.

Safety First

The beginning of the year is a great time to take care of annual safety items around your home. If you don’t already have a carbon monoxide detector on each floor, you can easily install those yourself. Check the batteries in your smoke detectors, and check your safety routes for easy exiting in case of an emergency. Change your furnace filters regularly to help improve air quality for everyone in your family.

Go Green And Save Money

It doesn’t take giant solar panels or an electric car to make a difference in your energy costs. Even small things around your home can be switched to a “green” alternative and can help save you money! A few ideas (and good reminders) include switching off lights when you leave a room, installing LED light bulbs, air drying your clothes instead of using a dryer each time, and composting food waste.

Streamline Your Space

Consider decluttering your space each year of things you don’t use. It’s an inexpensive home project that won’t take long to tackle, plus it makes your home look sleek and organized. Invest in extra storage items, such as baskets or shelving, to keep your space tidy. Donate your gently used clothing items to charity and help someone else in need.

Keep The Mess Under Control

No one wants to clean, but without a plan, the messes around your home can get the best of you and really pile up. Make it a priority to tackle small daily and weekly chores to make your life easier and cleaner. Make sure to wash your dishes each night and put away your dirty clothes. When tackling larger weekly cleaning projects, try to tackle either one area or type of cleaning at a time. Pretty soon, you’ll have the whole home sparkling like new!

Did you make a 2023 resolution to move into a new home? Let our expert team walk you through the home-building experience. Call Paul Gray Homes today at 316-990-0000!