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How to Keep Your Home in Top Shape

The beloved phrase “there’s no place like home” feels especially true at the end of a long or busy day. However, the process of transforming your living space into a home requires time, effort, and planning. While home maintenance varies from person to person depending on preference and location, there are some tips that apply to everyone and can help you keep your home in top shape year round.

Roof Inspection

A roof puts a shelter over your head and protects you from severe weather and potential harm. Many homeowners forget to regularly inspect their roofs until severe damage is done, and it is too late. To avoid this happening to you, inspect your roof at least once a year. The best time for inspection is during the fall before the harsh weather of winter sets in. While it is easy to spot obvious problems with your roof, it usually takes a professional to notice other, less apparent damage. Following a roof inspection, you should receive an analysis regarding the condition of your roof and advising any repairs that may be necessary. Be sure to address these issues right away.

Check for Mold

Believe it or not, mold is very common in buildings and homes. Most often, mold grows in spaces with a lot of moisture. Often this moisture is a result of leakage from roofs, pipes, flooding, or shower condensation. While mold can sometimes grow in hidden places like behind wallpaper, inside vents, in the attic or in the basement, it often grows in more visible places. Check for discoloration on surfaces with a slimy or fuzzy texture. If you find mold, you can clean it up on your own; however, if there is a large amount, it would be best to call an experienced professional.

Pest Control

One of the best ways to practice pest control is through pest prevention. You can do this by removing any potential sources of food, water and shelter that may attract pests. Additionally, seal any cracks or holes on the outside of the home; keep your floors free from food, and store garbage in sealed containers. Frequently check your home for any areas of rot since some insects are drawn to it. Lastly, if you have pets, be sure they are given flea treatment.

Lawn Care

Caring for your lawn is important for many reasons. First and foremost, a well- maintained lawn will boost your home’s curb appeal. When your lawn is not well-tended, your home’s value and the value of those around you are negatively affected. You can easily care for your lawn by watering your yard as needed, regularly mowing, clearing debris, and removing weeds. Set aside some time each week dedicated to lawn maintenance.

Regular Maintenance Routine

Overall, one of the best ways to keep your home in good condition is to come up with a regular maintenance routine. At least once a week, take the time to thoroughly clean your kitchen, bathrooms, and central living areas. Keep your floors clean by vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping. Clean frequently used surfaces or spaces that have started to gather dust.

Keeping your home in top condition contributes to both your home’s value and your overall well-being. If you are interested in building or customizing a new home, contact Paul Gray Homes at 316-990-0000 to speak to an expert and get started!