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Flex room functionality. How can you use a bonus room in your new home design?

Flex room functionality. How can you use a bonus room in your new home design?


Flex rooms are all the rage in custom home design. The use of a bonus room can vary based on your preferences, needs, and the available space. Here are some ideas for transforming your bonus room:


Home Office

Create a comfortable and organized workspace with a desk, ergonomic chair, and good lighting.

Use shelves and storage solutions to keep the space clutter-free.


Guest Bedroom

Set up a cozy guest room with a comfortable bed, nightstands, and soft lighting.

Decorate with neutral colors and add some personal touches like artwork or decorative pillows.


Game Room

Install a pool table, foosball table, or other game tables into your bonus space. Make sure to include a comfortable seating area for spectators. Another idea would be to decorate with sports memorabilia or game-themed artwork.


Home Theater

Love movies? Install a projector or large-screen TV, along with comfortable seating like recliners or a sectional sofa. Add blackout curtains for an authentic movie theater experience.

Invest in good sound systems for an immersive audio experience.


Fitness Room

Set up a mini gym with exercise equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical, or weights.

Install mirrors to create the illusion of more space and to check form during workouts.

Use rubber flooring for comfort and to protect the floor.


Art Studio/Craft Room

Create a space for artistic pursuits with good lighting and ample storage for supplies.

Set up easels, drawing tables, or crafting tables based on your interests.

Decorate with your own artwork or crafts.


Reading Nook

Design a comfortable reading space with a cozy chair,  fluffy blankets, good lighting, and bookshelves. A side table would be a great addition to house a lamp for additional lighting or a cup of tea. Use soft furnishings like rugs and throw pillows to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.


Music Room

Do you have a musician in your family. Set up a space for playing musical instruments. Install soundproofing materials to minimize noise disturbance. Decorate with musical artwork or showcase your instrument collection.


Study Room for Kids

Create a dedicated space for children to do homework or engage in educational activities.

Use colorful and functional furniture, like desks and storage bins. Decorate with educational posters or consider an oversized world map.


Yoga/Meditation Studio

You can curate a serene space with soft lighting, calming colors, and comfortable floor cushions or a yoga mat. Use natural elements like plants to enhance the calming atmosphere.

Consider adding a small fountain or essential oil diffuser for aromatherapy.


Remember to tailor the bonus room to your specific interests and needs, creating a space that reflects your personality and provides functionality for your family and your lifestyle.