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Five Ways to Prepare Your Home for Fall

The breeze is picking up, the trees are beginning to show signs of change, and pumpkin spiced treats are hitting the shelves; these are the universal signs that fall is on the way. With that, it’s time to start preparing your home for the fall season. We’ve created a list of five ways you can prepare your home for fall.

Check the Windows

Letting the fall breeze drift in through open windows is one of the best parts of the fall season. However, it is also important to check your windows and doors for drafts. It is best to do this before the temperature gets too cold. While doors can be easily fixed with weather stripping, windows often need more attention. You may need to replace the entire unit depending on the amount of air that’s coming through.

Upgrade Indoor Lighting

During fall, the days get shorter, and the nights get longer. Because of this, it is a great time to refresh or upgrade your indoor lighting to ensure a well-lit home. Consider replacing your old light bulbs with energy- efficient LED lights. These lights are brighter and can save you money since they last longer.

Improve Home Security

Unfortunately, the longer nights lead to increased break-ins and crime. Because of this, it is a good idea to consider upgrading your home security system. Additionally, you should check and replace any loose fence panels, ensure that your home is well-lit, set up a front door security camera, and make sure all your windows are closed and locked.

HVAC Maintenance

There are more dust and allergens in the air during fall. In order to prevent potential health concerns in your home, it is necessary to tend to your HVAC. Simply do this by replacing the filter so less dust and allergens are collected. Additionally, when you replace the filter, your HVAC won’t have to work as hard, which will ultimately reduce your energy bill.

Clean Gutters

To prevent your gutters from getting clogged, it is important to clean them out before fall hits. Once the leaves start to fall, they can easily get stuck in and weigh down your gutters, eventually causing damage. You can clean your gutters while on a ladder using a leaf blower, a hose, or a broom. If you are not comfortable climbing a ladder, consider hiring a professional.

If you are interested in building a custom home, contact Paul Gray Homes at 316-990-0000 to speak to an expert today!