The Builder's Blog

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Details Often Overlooked When Building a Home

From choosing the right floor plan to picking out materials, building a home comes with a ton of decisions. There will be a lot on your mind, and it can be easy to overlook simple, key items.


One of the easiest things to miss is the placement of light switches and power outlets. Ask yourself, “Can I turn on the light before I enter a room?” “Are there enough outlets for appliances on my kitchen countertop?” These small details can make a huge impact on your day-to-day, and it’s important to take a moment to think logically about where they should go.


A major perk of having your home custom built is the opportunity to make it your own. From a pull-out spice rack in your kitchen to a recessed medicine cabinet in your bathroom, small storage details can make a big difference.


While the laundry room might not be the most exciting area of your home, it is one that will get a lot of use. Think about what you like and dislike about your current setup. Would more hanging space be nice? Do you need more storage for cleaning supplies and extra linens? Take these into account when custom designing your new home.


When your builder is working on your home, it’s a good idea to ask them to leave the leftover materials, including tile, carpet, paint, and trim, as well as a list of the selections you made for your home. These will come in handy down the road when you need to make small repairs or use as a reference to match at the hardware store.

There’s a lot to remember during the process of building your custom home, and Paul Gray Homes is here to help! Reach out to us today at 316-978-9047